This certificate is very simple and safety with the Government responsibility. No one can challenge the title of this certificate. Main benefit for the private lands is this certificate reduces the number of disputes.
You will be handed over a leaflet with instruction to use the Title Certificate and benefits of it together with the Title Certificate. You can follow those instructions. If any problem arose you can get instructions from the Land Registry of the area, a Notary Public, Attorney at Law or from Title Registrar.
Then selling land is very easy. There are separate forms for that. Complete the form and get it certified by a Notary Public. Then hand it over to the Title Registrar office together with the original Title Certificate, relevant stamp and registration fee. A Title Certificate under the name of the buyer will receive promptly. In this case time duration and expenses are lesser.
A Title Certificate is issued for such land mentioning the mortgage. When the mortgage is cancelled such cancellation also will be mentioned in the Title Certificate. Other than mortgage, any bond or conditions such as lease agreement, nomination of post owners, life interest are mentioned in this Title Certificate.
Title document relevant to the land is a secured document owned by the Department of Registrar General. Facts mentioned in the Title Document have been included to the Title Certificate. Therefore you can get another copy of the Title Certificate, but you have to pay for that. So try to ensure the safety of the Title Certificate.
That cannot be done. It is a punishable Offence under the section 64 and 65 of the Act No 21 of 1998. And that transaction also becomes invalid.
Yes. There is a possibility to issue a Title Certificate for a land with a state grant, under relevant conditions. Similarly for the lands owned by other institutes also can obtain Title Certificates subjecting to the conditions of disposition of those institutes.
If the land is a state land or a land owned by Sri Lanka Mahaweli Authority, furthermore the owner of such land will be the state or that institute. Therefore when transferring such lands, it will be done by a normal transfer and then it will be registered under Title Registration method.
Cannot. For a land once a Title Certificate issued, registration of a deed cannot be done in any instance. In such a situation details of the inheritors, original copy of the Title Certificate and the Death Certificate of the owner should be produced to the Commissioner of Title Settlement.
Yes. If the donor has transfer the land to a minor person, then a Title Certificate can be registered under his/her name. However the minor can’t perform any activities such as sale, transfer or giving as a gift regarding his land.